I think Republicans are over confident about winning the White House this fall. Here is a current Gallop poll showing President Obama’s lead increasing and Governor Romney’s drop in support. With the ruling today from the Supreme Court, I believe Romney support will continue to decrease while Obama support increases. Currently, Gallop sees the race as dead even.
With all the controversy around Eric Holder, Immigration, Health Care, White House leaks you might think President Obama should be doing worse than he is, but as this week’s poll shows, his support has increased, not decreased. I suspect next week will reflect the Supreme Court’s ruling and we will see Obama’s numbers increase again. That’s not good news for Republicans.
Current news, is working in Obama’s favor because it is causing voters to take sides on issues they really don’t feel that strongly about. For instants many are ambivalent about healthcare. If you look at the table below you will see that only 6% of voters view this as a "most important problem." Republicans, had hoped this would be ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court but as we learned today, the ruling was otherwise. Still Republicans maintain ObamaCare will be thrown out. They claim they will replace it with new legislation that truly reforms healthcare and lowers cost substantially but currently, they have no plan on the table.
I believe the Affordable Healthcare Bill is a bad bill and it should be dismantled and replaced with more responsible legislation. But for whatever reason, Republicans are mum on what "responsible legislation" means. With Congress approval rating at 17%, this leaves an awful lot of uncertainty in the minds of voters who are worried how it will effect them and their pocketbook.
Illegal immigration is another issue that for many voters think is irrelevant. Because of the poor economy here there are a million fewer illegal aliens in our country than 2007. It is on the top ten list according to Gallop, but only 3% of Americans think it is significance.
So when Republicans make a big deal about Attorney General Eric Holder involvement in illegal gun-running or vow to stop President Obama directive to not deport illegal children who came with their illegal parents to this country, you might guess this doesn't build trust among Hispanic voters. Hispanic registered voters, by the way, are more concerned about the economy and jobs than they are about illegal immigration.
If the Republicans are to win the presidency and a majority in the Senate they must focus on the economy. Currently, the polls show Romney is ahead of Obama in the economy, in jobs and leadership. Persuading independents, women, minorities, union members, and almost any other group you can think of that Romney would be better for the country because he understands the economy and how to create jobs would be an easier task than trying to win by discredit the president.
So when Republicans make a big deal about Attorney General Eric Holder involvement in illegal gun-running or vow to stop President Obama directive to not deport illegal children who came with their illegal parents to this country, you might guess this doesn't build trust among Hispanic voters. Hispanic registered voters, by the way, are more concerned about the economy and jobs than they are about illegal immigration.
If the Republicans are to win the presidency and a majority in the Senate they must focus on the economy. Currently, the polls show Romney is ahead of Obama in the economy, in jobs and leadership. Persuading independents, women, minorities, union members, and almost any other group you can think of that Romney would be better for the country because he understands the economy and how to create jobs would be an easier task than trying to win by discredit the president.
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