Thursday, June 19, 2014

Immigration Reform

I am for immigration reform, I really am.  But I am not in favor of the current immigration bill passed by the Senate.  That would be the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013. 

SB 744. has some good point  and I applaud the Senate - especially Senate Republicans - for their effort.  For instance, the path to citizenship requires over $2000 in fines and thirteen years before an illegal immigrant can even begin to apply for citizenship.  There is other stuff too like obeying the laws, learn the english language, and pay taxes, which a illegal immigrant must do before applying for citizenship.  

Some would say that any path to citizenship is amnesty, but I don't think that's true.  Thirteen years of paying taxes and steep fines for the wrongdoing is punishment enough.  It would be easier for them to go back to their country and start over.  And many probably would, saving us the cost or need to deport them.  In the end, many would not apply for citizenship either, and never be eligible to vote or receive any government assistance - including Social Security.  The bill also makes border security mandatory before any issues of the illegals can be addresses.   

Well then, what's the problem?  The bill is too big!  Unfortunately, the bill, 844 pages by my count (some say 1200 pages) is far too large for anyone to really understand.  And there lies the problem.  Like the infamous Obama Care bill, this bill is so big, and so complicated that, well, we won’t know how it will all work until it gets passed.  That’s plain crazy. 

There are five major parts to this bill.  The House should divided SB 744 into five separate bills, simplify and refine them. then pass them individually.  That way everybody, illegals, law enforcement, Congress and citizens like you and me can read the bills and understand them.  

1 comment:

Guido Mouse said...

You make a good case for rethinking the bill and passing separate ones to handle all the stuff they cover in the 800 or so pages. I agree we got into trouble with the ObamaCare bill due to too many places to hide loop holes and errors in thought. But, I dont know if passing separate bills is feasible these days with all the partisan politics. What ever happened to brevity and clear language... Oh Yeah, I forgot... these are 'lawyers' in Congress.