It seems the President is on shaky ground relying on his election as a mandate that the American people want Obama Care. Just because the media has taken up his cause doesn’t mean the President is right. There were other elections last year that mandate quite the opposite point of view. The Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives comes to mind. Polls today still show Obama Care as extremely unpopular, and that is consistent with how Americans have voted - and will continue to vote.
There are 314 million citizens in the U.S. who are divided into 435 congressional districts. Each of these district consist of approximately 720,000 citizens. And every two years these congressional districts elect a person to represent them in our national government. In 2012, the country elected 240 Republicans (55.7%) and 191 Democrats (44.3%) to the House of Representatives. That is a mandate greater than the President’s. His margin was only 51.1% to Romney’s 47.2%.
The Republican majority in the house has every right and reason to carry out the wishes of the majority of the American people by getting rid of Obama Care. It is why they were elected. The left may roll their eyes and shake their heads declaring that battle is over and the Supreme Court has ruled the law is constitutional. But that is hardly the issue.
The Senate is not representative of the States. It has 100 members - two senators from each state. Only forty-two of them are Republicans, fifty-six of them are Democrats, two are Independent (but caucus with the Democrats). Unlike the House of Representatives, who are to represent the people, Senators are to represents the States. Unfortunately, they don’t because the majority of states are Republican.
Thirty of the fifty states have Republican Governors. In twenty-nine states Republicans are the majority in the lower house and thirty-two states Senates have Republican majorities. The majority of the states are controlled by Republicans not Democrats. The U.S. Senate clearly is out of step with the nation and represents neither the people nor the states.
Currently, the government shut down is very unpopular with Americans because they see it as detrimental to the economy. And so far, Republicans more than Democrats are being blamed. Republicans stated their position, lowered their position, and then lowered it again to no avail. The President and the Senate staunchly refuses to negotiate. Even as the debt ceiling limit closes in, Democrats refuse to negotiate telling the lower house they must either comply or be responsible for economic chaos.
Republicans are loosing the propaganda war thanks to a bias media. If they must relent to an unbending presidency in order to save the economy, you can bet Republicans will sacrifice, suffer defeat and save the economy. A year from now, however, when Obama Care proves to be as inept and expensive as predicted, Democrat heads will be on the chopping block for their arrogance. And you can bet the voters who elected 30 Republican governors, 32 Republican majority state senates, 29 Republican majority state houses and sent 240 Republicans to Congress will give no quarter.
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