Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Birthday Greetings!

Thank you for the birthday wishes.  I appreciate the kind thoughts, the cards, and the Facebook greetings from each one of you.  While looking through my Facebook post, it suddenly occurred to me most of my “friends” on Facebook were younger than me.  It’s true.   I spent a few minutes removing the deceased from my file and discovered that a whopping 94.8% of my friends are younger than me.  (By the way, Facebook really needs to address this problem of friends dying.  Having to “Unfriend” the deceased is a bit distressing.)  Besides, nobody wants to be “unfriended” just because they died! 

Anyway, being somewhat in denial, I rationalized that I had plenty of friends who were older than me - they just don’t do Facebook because, well, you know, they're old.  I turned to my address book for solace.  Carefully counting and categorizing each person as older or younger, I did see a slight improvement - but not enough to matter.  Even excluding all the businesses proved unnecessary because they were all way younger than me.   Sadly, I had to reckon with the truth--I’m older than a can of Spam with a key. 

My grand niece Hannah told me I looked like Walter.  “Walter the mouse?” I asked.  “No,  Jeff Dunham’s puppet Walter,” she said.  And while sitting around the back yard this summer Granddaughter Madie paid me a compliment.  “Grandpa was probably pretty good looking - when he was young.”

I asked Mckenna today what she thought of her grandpa turning 68 she said, “You probably think birthdays are boring.”  Shannon, my youngest granddaughter with a heart to please said, “Grandpa,  I know someone older than you. Momma Ruth!”  (Momma Ruth is a friend of Sunni’s who is almost 96 and lives in an assisted living center.   

It’s been a great day!  Pancakes for breakfast, chocolate malt for lunch and a world of wonderful loving family and friends.  There are some good things that come with age.  

  1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
  2. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
  3. Because there is no one else old enough to remember the past, they have to believe me!

Thank you again for helping to make this a wonderful day!

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