Whether you believe the financial crisis was the fault of Democrats, Republicans, greedy Wall Streeters or Acorn, the financial meltdown happened and the effects will continue long after November 4th.
Had John McCain sided with House Republicans and voted against the bailout in support of a free market solution he would have separated himself from Congress, George Bush and most importantly Barrack Obama.
The bill would have passed anyway. He would have been criticized, scorned and ridiculed - for about a day. Then, as the consequences of this mess unfolds, the public would have remembered the leader who opposed it - John McCain.
The nation has spend two decades inebriated on good times and prosperity and now we are hungover, depressed and feeling very sick. A quick cure can’t be found in neither a 700 billion dollars bailout or a free market solution. Only time will heal the recklessness of greed and stupidity.
And if McCain had voted against the bailout, time would have been on his side because no significant improvements will occur by November 4th. Yes, he would have been a maverick, a national hero and the next president - instead of just a “has-been.”